Wednesday, May 6

Tiffany to buy luxury accessories brand is also a series of handbags!

May 1, senior jewelry brand <a href=""> Tiffany</a> (Tiffany) said it would acquire bankrupt senior accessories brand Lambertson Truex, the expansion of its handbags and leather products production line, which means that soon we will be able to see the "<a href="">Tiffany</a> (Tiffany) bag, "a!
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Senior U.S. accessories brand Lambertson Truex accessories by famous designers Richard Lambertson and John Truex was founded in 1999, the brand is headquartered in New York. The recent turmoil in the financial trouble developed, had on March 5 this year, declared bankruptcy.
July 2006, travel suppliers new beauty products (Samsonite) Group announced the signing of a cooperation agreement Lambertson Truex. However, shortly after the co-operation proved a total failure. Samsonite (Samsonite) face is only a mid-market manufacturer of travel bags, and 18,000 U.S. dollars the value of Lambertson Truex crocodile handbag one is actually asking for "luxury." By the end of 2008, the new beautiful (Samsonite) co-operation with the end of Lambertson Truex.

The Tiffany (Tiffany) acquisition of Lambertson Truex, will find their feet in Lambertson Truex? However, Tiffany (Tiffany) the expansion of luggage and leather goods production lines, the introduction of "Tiffany (Tiffany) bag," perhaps even more people to look forward to! Are you looking forward to see the "Tiffany (Tiffany) bag," then?

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